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Fractional Bipolar Radiofrequency

By Ecleris



The ultimate in wrinkle, blemish, skin and scar rejuvenation.


FraxFace® works with a revolutionary technology producing total facial remodelling. It is the most exclusive and complete platform for the comprehensive rejuvenation of all planes of the face. A new generation equipment that delivers amazing results. Its mechanism of action is through its Fractional Bipolar Radiofrequency, this device works by delivering the fractional energy of the radiofrequency through a matrix of electrodes.

It produces a directed heat by means of which the innermost layer of the skin (the dermis) is stimulated, practically not affecting the most superficial layer (the epidermis).


The fractionated heat that is generated in points of the dermis, acts by injuring those points and consequently unleashing a healing response on the part of this inner layer of the skin. The healthy tissue that surrounds the burned or injured points of the dermis can also be stimulated secondarily by heat, having the effect of accelerating the healing process, and giving the skin a firm and rejuvenated appearance.

This makes a difference with traditional fractional resurfacing methods (fractionated Co2 laser), since the action is concentrated in a higher percentage on the dermis and in a much smaller percentage on the epidermis. This noticeably decreases the recovery time of the client, making it considerably shorter compared to some fractional treatments that use lasers.


Skin ageing is produced by the combination of several factors such as:

  • Skin laxity

  • Loss of volume

  • Loss of elasticity

  • Appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Spots

  • Loss of gloss

  • Loss of tone

  • Changes in texture


These factors are usually combined and appear jointly to a greater or lesser

extent each of them.

Many of these factors are produced by the reduction of both the quantity

and the quality of collagen fibres.


The advantages and benefits of this new technology are reflected in:

  • Remarkable and fast results (already from the first session)

  • Non-invasive procedure and mild or moderate pain for the patient

  • Minimal recovery times

  • Low incidence of complications

  • Can be used on any skin photo-type

  • Attacks all factors of ageing

  • Moderate cost



The application of RF energy to the dermis produces a heating of the dermis

with the following effects:

  1. Increase in blood circulation, therefore oxygenation and cellular metabolism.

  2. Produces an immediate collagen contraction.

  3. Thermal damage that induces a stimulation of fibroblasts for the production of new collagen.



  • Removal of some types of acne scars and satisfactory improvement for the client of the deeper and more severe types of acne scars.

  • Stretch mark removal and stretch mark enhancement

  • Reduction of mild and moderate wrinkles

  • Brighter, more uniform skin, reducing and closing pores and skin dis-coloration. Improves texture and skin tone.

  • Lifting effect, skin tightening.


Main indications for this treatment:

  • Resurfacing, Sub ablative Rejuvenation

  • Acne scars and blemishes

  • Wrinkles, crow's feet, forehead wrinkles, etc.

  • Stretch marks

  • Skin texture problems

  • Skin tightening or lifting without surgery



  • More natural appearance of the skin

  • Volume recovery

  • Greater firmness and tension

  • Brightness improvement

  • Tone improvement

  • Improved texture

  • Better hydration

  • Improvement in fine lines

  • Keratosis removal.



Focused radiofrequency waves direct controlled heat all the way through to the dermis to gently ablate microscopic columns of skin. This actively stimulates the fibroblasts to increase the production of collagen to repair the damaged tissue and remodel existing collagen. The overall effect is skin rebuilding itself from the inside out, filling in acne scars, lines and wrinkles, skin tightening and improving irregularities like hyperpigmentation and discoloration.

FRAXFACE is a highly customizable skin resurfacing device that delivers exceptional results with low downtime. Powered by Fractional Biopolar Radio Frequency (RF) it is a fractional radio frequency system that allows operator control of ablation, coagulation, and resurfacing for enhanced efficacy in resolving mild to severe skin damage.

Radiofrequency refers to oscillating electromagnetic waves within the range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz.

Fractional skin resurfacing has become a popular procedure to help treat and reduce the appearance of acne scars and other scars, striae, rosacea, dyschromia, deep wrinkles, enlarged pores, and uneven skin texture and pigmentation. This works to cosmetically improve the appearance of the skin, with low downtime and minimal discomfort for the client when compared to surgical methods.

The non-invasive fractional skin resurfacing systems from Ecleris uses Nano-Fractional Radio Frequency (RF) technology to effectively improve the appearance of uneven skin texture and reduce other signs of skin damage without affecting the surrounding tissue. With finely tipped pins emit radio frequency energy to ablate the tissue in a small footprint per pin—helping to rejuvenate the appearance of the skin and resulting in a smoother, younger-looking complexion.

FraxFace provides a non-surgical solution for skin resurfacing. It works with small pins that safely deliver energy through the skin’s surface. This creates tiny wounds, which the body then works to heal naturally. This process is what repairs signs of damage seen on the surface of the skin.



Helps diminish fine lines and wrinkles.

Dramatically reduces acne scars.

Increases the skin’s elasticity to lift and tighten and improve deep wrinkles.

Improves overall skin texture.

Addresses hyperpigmentation, sunspots and dis-coloration.

Firms and tightens skin on neck and jowls.

Boosts the skin’s radiance.

Helps reduce rosacea and areas of redness caused by broken capillaries.


Minimises Stretch marks.

Corrects abnormal skin texture.

Décolleté – to improve sun damage, dis-coloration and vertical lines.

Hands – to erase sun damage and hyperpigmentation and to thicken the skin.




Noticeably smoother, healthier skin

More comfortable than traditional skin resurfacing treatments

Low downtime — regular skin care routine after 24 hours

Quick treatment sessions

Safe for all skin tones.



Why Choose Ecleris FraxFace Fractional

Skin Resurfacing Device?


Unipolar versus bipolar

Unipolar RF devices have a single electrode without a ground, wherein current is driven solely by the voltage difference between the electrode and the organic tissue. These devices radiate omnidirectionally, much the way a light bulb does, and may also reach the subcutaneous tissue similar to monopolar devices. Common applications include noninvasive skin-tightening treatment of larger tissue areas such as abdomen, thighs, arms, cellulite reduction, and body contouring. These devices can also be used for sagging jowls and wrinkle reduction. The FRAXFACE uses bipolar RF for more superficial, non-volumetric (adipose) heating.

The bipolar modality of RF delivery utilizes two electrodes, a positive and negative; alternating current flows back and forth between these points. The effective field depth, and thus the depth of tissue heated is determined by the distance of electrodes in relation to one another, although the degree of heating is still determined by the electrical parameters of the EMF.
















Am I a good candidate for this treatment?

Will this treatment work for me?

The ideal candidate is anyone who shows signs of skin damage,

including deep wrinkles, scars, visible pores, stretch marks, and/or anything

else that affects the skin’s texture.

For safety reasons, you may not be able to get this treatment if you have/are:

•                An Internal defibrillator/pacemaker or any other active electrical

                  implant in the body

•                Any permanent implant or injected substance around the

                  treatment area (botox)

•                Any active conditions in the treatment area (e.g. rash)

•                History of skin disorders or very dry skin

•                Current or history of cancer (including pre-malignant moles)

•                Severe concurrent conditions (e.g. cardiac disorders)

•                Pregnant or nursing

•                An impaired immune system or a history of disease around the treatment area that is stimulated by heat (e.g. herpes)

•                Poorly controlled endocrine disorders (e.g. diabetes)

•                Taking blood thinners

•                Had a face lift or eyelid surgery within the past 3 months

•                Had any resurfacing treatments or chemical peels within the past 3 months

•                Had any cosmetic injections within the past 2 weeks or any surgeries within the past 6 months


How many sessions will I need to see results?

Most clients receive 5 treatments per area for a 'course of treatment initially'. The exact number will depend on each individual person and the area being treated. Maintenance treatments are performed thereafter to keep the results.

A second 'course' can be performed ONLY if necessary to achieve more result.

Consult with your Therapist to determine the best treatment plan for you.


Do I need to do anything to prepare for the treatment?

Make sure your skin is clean. Do not apply any lotions, creams, perfumes, powder, or makeup before your treatment session, and avoid tanning. Remove all jewellery around the area being treated. If you have excessive hair on the treatment area, shave it beforehand. It also helps to be prepared with information about your medical history—the therapist will likely ask about it.


What does the treatment feel like?

You will feel tiny pins on your skin followed by a little zap. Your face will then feel warm, like a sunburn.

The amount of energy directed into your skin varies depending on the concern we are treating, however discomfort, if any, is minimal. Afterwards your skin will appear red and somewhat inflamed—this is simply a natural reaction, vital to the process of skin repair. This inflammation causes the release of healing agents such as growth factors to the site, which ultimately boost skin’s natural regeneration process. The redness can last up to a couple of days, depending on your skin’s sensitivity.


How will I feel after my treatment?

Your skin will be red and feel warm afterward, like a sunburn. The warm feeling should go away within 24 hours.


Is there any downtime?

Your skin will be red and for the first 24-48 hours and you will experience some ‘gridding’ and roughness in texture which can last 1-3 weeks. After 24 hours, you may put on makeup and resume your regular skin care routine. You should apply sunscreen (at least SPF 30), preferably one without chemicals.

Day 1: Possible erythema and red appearance, which varies between people.

Day 2: A red or pink hue persists like a moderate sunburn. Light swelling may be noticeable on waking and usually subsides as the day goes on.

Day 3: Skin may still be slightly pink. The slight swelling has usually subsided.

On subsequent days the skin may feel tight and dry.

Can I put on makeup or lotion right after my treatment?

No. You should wait till 24 hours after your treatment to apply any makeup or lotion.


I have darker skin – can I still get this treatment done?

Yes. Fraxface skin resurfacing treatments use technology that’s safe for all skin tones, even darker ones.

How often / far apart should the treatments be?

Treatments are done 3 to 6 weeks apart. (more on the side of 3, but depending on your skin and healing abilities)


How long does a treatment session last?

One session usually lasts 15 - 60 minutes, depending on the area being treated.


Will it be painful?

Fraxface skin resurfacing treatments may be slightly uncomfortable, but not painful. You’ll feel intense heat, similar to the feeling of sunburn, and your face will look red right after the treatment. For more aggressive treatments, you may get a topical numbing cream to reduce any discomfort.

How long will the results last and are they permanent?

After your final treatment, your results will continue to improve. However, one touch-up session may be needed approximately every 6 months, depending on how your skin responds.


Do I need to do anything after my treatment?

If your skin feels hot, you can use a fan to cool it down. Avoid touching or scratching the treatment area. Do not put lotion, makeup, or anything else on your skin, for 24 hours, unless prescribed by your therapist.




Treatment Guidelines:

  • Collagen takes about 3 months to fully regenerate.

  • At 2 weeks after FRAXFACE treatment, you can see better luminosity,

  • better hydration, and the face is gradually firming/tightening, fuller.

  • Immediately there is collagen contraction and tension.


General Treatment Considerations:

Number of sessions: 5 sessions per area.

Intervals: 1 session every 3 to 6 weeks.

Session duration: 15 - 60 minutes.

Maintenance: Maintenance sessions to maintain the results and keep the skin producing more collagen, for firmer,

tighter, smoother skin with more volume etc - ask your therapist what is best for your skin regarding maintenance -

people can also choose to have regular collagen building maintenance sessions ongoing if they desire to do so often

choosing a treatment every 4 or 6 months apart as a rejuvenation. Your therapist can advise you.






*** one-off essential initial consultation add $50 at first session  ***


FACE (collagen building) $250 each session

Initially a course of FIVE treatments 3-4 weeks apart


NECK (collagen building) $250 each session

Initially a course of FIVE treatments 3-4 weeks apart


DECOLLETAGE (collagen building) $295 each session 

Initially a course of FIVE treatments 3-4 weeks apart



FACE AND NECK - $450 each session


FACE, NECK AND DECOLLETAGE - $700 each session



Separate Areas:

**Priced FROM**

Frown $135 per session

Initially a course of FIVE treatments 3-4 weeks apart


Frown and Forehead $185 per session (a course of five sessions is recommended) 

Initially a course of FIVE treatments 3-4 weeks apart


Upper Lip $135 per session (a course of five sessions is recommended) 

Initially a course of FIVE treatments 3-4 weeks apart


Chin $135 per session (a course of five sessions is recommended) 

Initially a course of FIVE treatments 3-4 weeks apart


Upper Lip and Chin $185 per session (a course of five sessions is recommended) 

Initially a course of FIVE treatments 3-4 weeks apart


Jowels $185 per session (a course of five sessions is recommended) 

Initially a course of FIVE treatments 3-4 weeks apart


Under Eyes and Crows $185 per session (a course of five sessions is recommended) 

Initially a course of FIVE treatments 3-4 weeks apart


Cheeks $185 per session (a course of five sessions is recommended) 

Initially a course of FIVE treatments 3-4 weeks apart


Hands $200 per session (a course of five sessions is recommended) 

Initially a course of FIVE treatments 3-4 weeks apart


*Other areas by request*













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